I have amazing loving parents, sound academic qualification, very loving boyfriend who I married. I have always had a good home to live, good food to eat and good mental health. I was still not happy, with my life. And it’s unfair of me to feel unhappy while having everything working for me. I wanted something more, something else, wanted to be somewhere else. I was in my mental boundary where I was saying this is not what I dream of my life. When I had everything that an average person wants to have in their life to feel happy, I had to come out of the mindset “it’s not enough”, and realize life is already beautiful and one needs to acknowledge this and thank God for giving us everything we have in our lives. I realized that most of us are not acknowledging the things we have at this moment. We live either in the past thinking of our incomplete relationship, failure, or bad health or think of abundance we want to have in our lives and this misleads to understand that life is not beautiful. I had to learn to accept my life, my situation, my relationship and everything I have been given.
I also learned that in life if one wants to learn some technical skill, one can learn from a course written or taught by the expert but to gain wisdom of life you have to hear words from the experienced person or face it yourself, this is the real-time wisdom. The worst thing to reverse our self-improvement process is complaining about others or the present situation. There is a saying “If you don’t like where you are, Move! You are not a tree”. This is something I take as a lesson, if I don’t like a situation I try to change whenever it is possible, it makes me more in a feeling of peace. I don´t like to stay in a room in front of the computer I go to nature, if I don’t like working in a cubicle desk, I leave the job and start my own business, which I know is not easy but still I try. If I don’t like the complaining and backbiting environment, I try to ignore the group and change the environment by starting to appreciate the people around me. You have a dream, but not know how to make it true, start working on it, one step at a time. Have a weight issue start working out just a few minutes at a time. Want to find a passion, you are never late, it’s never too late to find a passion. Not happy with the violence and misery going around the world then start by helping a needy person, as Gandhi says you must be the change you wish to see in the world.
I am working on a mission of spreading “life is beautiful” because it is in our hands to make life beautiful, by appreciating and not overlooking things we have in our life. And it is necessary to know that the biggest enemy stopping us from becoming our best version is ourselves, so be aware of what you are stopping and restricting. We all are given the same amount of hatred, love, talent, creativity; because of the environment and surroundings we were raised in, changes the amount and extent of emotion we have for ourselves and others. So we have to heal ourselves and bring out the best qualities of creativity, love, appreciation, kindness into play and become the best version of ourselves. We are here to experience life to the fullest by overcoming all of our negative experiences and memories from this or the life before this.
It is for us to realize that life is beautiful, we need to remind ourselves about this and if a friend or a relative is in the situation when they are not feeling this, we have to remind them as well that life will certainly be beautiful for them soon.