Here we have the first blog post for our Mental wellbeing community by Mr. Mohit kanade. He is a Strategy Consultant, Certified Mindfulness Trainer, Intercultural Intelligence Coach, MBA in International Management.

In future we will be creating more such contents from coaches contributing in mental wellbeing.
Mindfulness helps leaders and employees reflect effectively, concentrate on the task, deal with the stress effectually, and revive quickly. On an organizational level, it increases trust in leadership and boosts the employee engagement
What is Mindfulness?
Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) practice defines – Mindfulness is paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, without judgment.
Mindfulness is a state of being when your body and mind are in the same place at the same time. That means bringing attention to what you are doing and where you are, without worrying about the future or the past.
How can I implement Mindfulness Attitudes at my workplace?
- Non-Judging: Noticing when you’re being judgmental of yourself and others
The importance of being non-judgmental is a key to help people around us discover the things they are good at, their strengths, and the areas where they need more help. By staying non-judgmental, they are more likely to feel comfortable about discussing their issues and to continue the conversation. They are also more likely to come back to you again when they are struggling, which means you have more opportunities to be able to help them and also get help them in return.
- Acceptance: Accepting things as they are in the moment without denying or trying to change things.
Acceptance is not something that can be forced. The first step of transformation is to accept the fact. Focusing on what we can do about the situation, and if we can’t change something it’s time to accept the reality.
- Patience: Letting things unfold in their own time without rushing.
Patience is the quality of waiting calmly without complaining. In general practicing patience can result in more realistic expectations and calm behavior. It also limits the task build up, lack of attention and disorganization.
- Beginner’s Mind: Being receptive to new possibilities and realizing we don’t need to know all of the answers
Beginner’s mind refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when dealing with others. Novelty sparks learning, so seeking out interesting experiences is a great way to engage our Beginner’s Mind.
- Trust: Trusting in ourselves and taking responsibility for our actions
Trust improves innovation and creativity. Promoting a culture of trust, rather than fear, encourages collaboration and builds a creative workplace. When people around us are afraid to make mistakes or have fear of being punished, they are far less likely to take initiatives.
- Non-Striving: Not forcing certain results to happen and letting things happen in their own time
Non-striving is not easy for us because from right back in our childhood we have been trained to achieve, set goals, be competitive and aim for success! It simply means not straining or forcing events beyond limit in order to achieve a certain outcome or result.
- Letting Go: Being willing to let go of the things, people, or ideas that prevent us from living in the moment
Letting go does not mean giving up. It means letting go, leaving and getting free from negative thoughts and emotions, overthinking, and dwelling on what we believe hurt us. By letting them go, we free ourselves of them, and all the stress and unhappiness they cause.
- Generosity: It is a way to bring happiness to others by giving them our presence and full attention.
In a world where we are rushing off from one meeting to the next giving someone our time and attention is a meaningful gift. Sharing our know-how, expertise, and ideas with a generous spirit is not only beneficial for people around us but also it is a smart way of doing business.
- Gratitude: Researchers define appreciation as the act of acknowledging the goodness in life—in other words, seeing the positives in events, experiences, or other people like our colleagues.
By thanking someone for going the extra effort, they are more likely to take pride and continue to work harder. Developing a corporate culture of appreciation costs nothing and has the potential to boost morale and productivity! Gratitude leads to increased engagement, retention, positivity, and even better health.