Lessons to be learned from the difficult time

Lessons to be learned from the difficult time

Just after a couple of months of starting 2020 we have been facing this pandemic crisis of COVID-19 virus. Most of us were so much excited to begin this new decade with many resolutions to follow and improve our future. We were starting to initiate dreaming about our new career, or relationship or new health routines or any kind of pursuits we have been chasing for. And then comes this viral outbreak all most all over the world. When we were thinking to show our presence in this world and make a mark, this pandemic is a shock for us. Who would have known that even many of the developed countries have to deal with this issue. But we are in 21st century, and science has solved many issues of many outbreaks throughout history, and we can trust the researchers who might come out with solutions to this soon. The main purpose of me writing this article is to share my thought about how uncertain the world is and how unpredictable our life is, and about the lessons to be learned from the difficult time. Such situations make us realize how delicate human life is and how much granted we have been taking our lives for. But also during such a crisis, it makes us value our lives and our relationships. Many families are living apart over worldwide, and in such situations, we realize how essential our connections are. We are not only praying for our families and friends but to the whole communities and fellow beings who have been suffering severely. We are compassionate beings, and we all come together when humanity is suffering by any means. I remember the time when Nepal was hit by a strong earthquake in 2015, during that time people inside and outside the country were so concerned about each other and even the people around the world were praying for us. Now when not only one country but the whole world is suffering, it is our time to share our compassion with each other, learn to live in the present. Though life is uncertain, what is certain and real is our sense of belonging together as Human beings on Earth. The lesson to be learned from the difficult time is to be grateful for what we have and learn to live in the present without being depressed about the past and not being anxious about the future. Through this article I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the health workers worldwide who have been working during this difficult time and serving the mankind.

Please read a blog post article about how to encourage your creativity:


This website contains the quotes about the lessons from life:

